Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Unsurety - I used it during a conversation last week and a colleague said, "That's an interesting word." I thought to myself - yes - perhaps I made it up. Turns out, I am not an inventor of words and the word does exist.

\Un*sure"ty\, n. Want of surety; uncertainty; insecurity; doubt.
(Look it up, if you don't believe me).

My blog is where I will be recording my thoughts, discoveries and exercises for the Learning 2.0 program.

So here I am doing something completely foreign; in hope that I will learn something useful. I'm nervous, being a first time blogger and I'm a bit unsure of what to write, hence the title. People I know may read my blog, so let's keep it clean - that's what I keep telling myself!

I feel uninspired as the working day ends, therefore, I will end it here until I have something worthy to write about.