Wednesday, November 21, 2007

#19 Discovering Web 2.0 tools

I had a quick look through the Web 2.0 Awards and recognised a number of the winners for this year. It was nice to see that the technologies we have been exploring were listed. Of all the useful sites I'm now familiar with, I will list Facebook as being my favourite.

"Facebook is a social utility that connects you with the people around you." I've been using it for about a month and have found it a great way to find people whom I've lost contact with. It's user friendly and highly interactive. The only annoying quality I've encountered is the constant bombardment of invitations to use new applications.

Other than that, it's a lot of fun and I have found it to be quite secure. As for it's applications in a library setting - I can't see one in regard to library operations - it's primarily a social tool.